четверг, 31 мая 2012 г.

iTunes Store movie rentals will give 20th Century Fox

Apple has entered into an agreement with Warner Bros. 20th Century Fox, which provides for the creation of a new online service to provide video on demand. Users can rent movies fresh studio Fox, downloading digital copies of their online store iTunes Store, reports Financial Times. As expected, an official statement about the deal Apple and 20th Century Fox will be made on January 14, at the annual MacWorld.

According to experts, the new service will allow the scheme to change the distribution of movies, because now the iTunes Store, users can only buy movies, but do not take them for rent. We also know that Apple will provide 20th Century Fox films a copy protection system, Fair Play. Thus, Apple will use its first DRM- technology not only for their own products.

A movie studio 20th Century Fox now intends to supply the DVD with the latest electronic copies of feature films. Holders of such DVD can legally download files from the reel of film on personal computers running Windows and portable video players, manufactured by Archos, Toshiba, Samsung, RCA, Dell and Creative Labs. The first such drive appeared on store shelves on November 20, he became a DVD movie ' Die Hard 4'.

rocit. ru.

вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

The theory of ' golden billion '

In the mid-90s in the Russian language the book has been translated into U.S. Intelligence Chief Colonel ' Committee 300'. About 30 years he studied the mechanisms of the secret government of the world and came to the conclusion that the global process control 300 of the richest family clans. This ... When the results have been obtained, it was found that the natural resources on land are very limited. And for a comfortable stay on the ground of natural resources are sufficient only for one billion people. Then the theory was developed ' golden billion ', which ' may ' for 100-150 years left on the ground. During this ' golden billion ' entered the U.S. population, Canada, Western Europe, Israel and Japan. As you know, neither Russian nor the Tartars, nor many other peoples who inhabit this country, this did not get a billion.

In 1985, the international community has shaped the program - at least in respect of the USSR: 2020 to halve the population over 35 years for each of the 2nd in our country to kill. Kill not only the war, as is done with Muslim nations, are not susceptible to what we are exposed to. The older generation destroyed by poverty, which will be organized, and the younger generation destroyed by alcohol, tobacco, drugs and debauchery, which will be widely implemented and mass.

Speaking a few years ago, Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of England, dropped a mysterious phrase: ... people '. Translator misheard and thought moved 50 million. But Thatcher he was immediately corrected. We were at that time was still 150 million. Where are the other 135 million? .

Two years ago, our country came in person, this is the Madeleine Albright - former Secretary of State at the time the United States and, speaking, dropped the same enigmatic phrase: ' According to the international community economically reasonable accommodation on the territory of Russia 15 million. people '. Where are the other 130? . As you can see, the program only man- headed for their implementation.

Who are these cannibals 20-21 age decided to leave our country? . Another 13 million, they decided to leave to serve the dirtiest of metallurgical and chemical industries and service the world's nuclear burial ground in which Russia will be converted. By the way, the current Putin's State Duma has passed a law on the transformation of Russia into the global nuclear repository. In Siberia, implemented large-scale program of road construction for this project.

You do not need ' golden billion ', nor we, nor our history, our culture has no. They need our natural resources and our living spaces.

Hitler in 1942 formulated the basis of the occupation policy in the conquered eastern territories. In his brief directive he wrote just three sentences: 'You must keep up the sign language of the Slavs. no health. no vaccinations. Only vodka and tobacco '. The whole social program for people in the conquered territories, neither schools nor teachers, nor a movie - only vodka and tobacco! . He knew that vodka and tobacco will lead him to the hated Slavs in a generation, with no imaginary crematoria and gas chambers.

The fact that alcohol and tobacco are the weapons of mass destruction, known to all applicants for ' world domination '. Everyone knows that this is the most powerful weapon of genocide and the overriding. Testament of Hitler is successfully implemented in our country today!.

People in our country still can not understand what had happened: the greatest country in the world, and suddenly, suddenly broke up into pieces, turned into beggars all over the world and sent with an outstretched hand. Is this a fatal accident at the turn of the millennium? .

In winter 1985, when everyone realized that he would die the next General Secretary Chernenko, at its meeting brought together the country's ' Big Seven ' led by the U.S.. That's when they decided to destroy the USSR. Divide the USSR into 52 independent states of dwarf and make these states interfere with each other. You may ask why this ' world government ' to divide the Soviet Union? . And the only virgin pantry - one sixth of the land where we were lucky to be born and live.

On the destruction of the Soviet Union were thrown hundreds of billions of dollars. This program is called the ' Harvard Project '. These billions had been bought the entire top of the Communist Party, were all purchased princelings in the field, all the media and the money in 1991, managed to do something that is not able to do neither Hitler nor Napoleon. Destroy the great Russia, which was then called the Soviet Union.

We are now witnessing the second part of this universal tragedy - the destruction of the Russian Federation. And it has its own naming - ' Houston project'. The fact that every day our children are killed in Chechnya, that every year millions of our fellow citizens die from drugs, alcohol and tobacco, that our senior citizens, teachers, doctors were forced into poverty, which destroyed almost all manufacturing industries and destroyed a science that is dying culture and great .

понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Mass Effect 3 changes the subject

After predreliznogo demo Mass Effect 3 leaked online, many fans from around the world have been able to get acquainted with the scenario of the game. Here's how to comment on BioWare:.

... The development team does an excellent game, and always frustrating when this happens. However, the version of the script that got to open access, is not final. Since then, we have collected this beta, many things have changed and will change. Now, when a particularly zealous fans have read the spoilers, we can slightly adjust according to the history of criticism. In this sense, the brain, even played in our favor. We are well aware that many will not read the script, so as not to spoil his enjoyment of the game, but those who have already done it, have left some useful comments, which we took into account.
There is nothing strange in the fact that we are changing and will change the story - it's natural for game development. Most likely, the final version of the script Mass Effect 3 will be significantly different from what you saw in the beta. ...

Apparently, the leak was hit hard by playing to the ego BioWare, once they decided on such measures, because each change in the narrative is a correction for the cut-scenes, which implies an increase in the cost of Motion Capture, and more.
