понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Mass Effect 3 changes the subject

After predreliznogo demo Mass Effect 3 leaked online, many fans from around the world have been able to get acquainted with the scenario of the game. Here's how to comment on BioWare:.

... The development team does an excellent game, and always frustrating when this happens. However, the version of the script that got to open access, is not final. Since then, we have collected this beta, many things have changed and will change. Now, when a particularly zealous fans have read the spoilers, we can slightly adjust according to the history of criticism. In this sense, the brain, even played in our favor. We are well aware that many will not read the script, so as not to spoil his enjoyment of the game, but those who have already done it, have left some useful comments, which we took into account.
There is nothing strange in the fact that we are changing and will change the story - it's natural for game development. Most likely, the final version of the script Mass Effect 3 will be significantly different from what you saw in the beta. ...

Apparently, the leak was hit hard by playing to the ego BioWare, once they decided on such measures, because each change in the narrative is a correction for the cut-scenes, which implies an increase in the cost of Motion Capture, and more.


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